Leave Lettuce

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Leave lettuce 
Lettuce with leaves that branch from a single stalk in a loose bunch rather than forming a tight head. The leaves are crisper and more full-flavored than those of the HEAD LETTUCE varieties. Depending on the variety, leaf lettuce (also called looseleaf  and Simpson lettuce ) can range in color from medium to dark green; some have red-tipped leaves. Among the more popular leaf lettuces are Oak leaf, Salad Bowl, frilly Red Leaf and crinkly Green Leaf. In general, leaf lettuce is more perishable than head lettuce. Choose bunches with crisp, evenly colored leaves with no sign of wilting or yellowing at the edges. Lettuce is a good source of chlorophyll and vitamin K. 

Health benefits: Help reduce risk of cancer, can reduce risk of heart disease, stroke and cataracts, help to prevent spina bifida and anaemia, aid digestion and liver health, and may ease nervous insomnia. 


Fresh salads are best prepared as closely as possible to the time when they will be eaten.  Exposure of cut surfaces to air quickly diminishes both the eating quality and nutritional value of lettuce and salad leaves.  Leaves should be torn rather than cut, and dry if dressing is to coat them well. 

As with all greens, leaf lettuce should be washed and either drained completely or blotted with a paper towel to remove any excess moisture before being refrigerated in a plastic bag. It will keep this way up to about 3 days.