Picture of Broccoli Broccoli - Yang Hua Ye Cai; Kai-Lan-Fa, (C). 
B. Oleracea var. italica Plenck. (Cruciferae) 

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Broccoli looks like green cauliflower although it is actually a member of the cabbage family. Flower stalks are green, purplish to white in colour and the plant has tiny yellow flowers. 

Broccoli has phytonutrients, which enhance the body’s ability to expel carcinogens, Thereby believe to reduce tumor initiation. The swollen edible root can be either rounded or tapered and is red, yellow (Golden Beet) or white. The leaves sprout as a rosette above ground and are delicious used in salads when young. 

Health benefits: Can reduce risk of cancer, may reduce cataracts, helps lower risk of heart disease and stroke, lessens risk of spina bifada, helps combat anaemia and rich in nutrients. 

Cautions: Broccoli reduces iodine absorption. Avoid in cases of thyroid deficiency and low iodine

Freshly cut broccoli is sweet and tender enough to be eaten raw in salads, and the small florets are delicious with mayonnaise or dips.  To cook broccoli, steam or briefly boil it in very little water, well-covered with a lid, until tender.  Lightly cooked broccoli has a delicate taste which complements a wide variety of foods. 

Wash well and divide into sprigs. Blanch for 3 minutes in boiling water. Cool in iced water for 3 minutes. Drain and spread on tray in a single layer. Cover with plastic wrap to stop the strong smell of broccoli penetrating the freezer and freeze for 30 minutes. Packed in freezer bags, removing air from the bags, then seal. Freeze up to 6 months.